July 16, 2017

Zoe Bios: Conclusion



Alexandria Library

Page 93:

People in power in the United States and across Western society have twisted what it means to be Christian. The Muslims are not alone in fighting back the infection of fear and hate in their communities. Israel is struggling as well.

Page 93:

But pointing fingers and telling people they are wrong for seeing the world the way they do is not only insulting, but also futile. Making people feel inferior is self-defeating. It’s a tragic expression of our own ancient resentment.

Page 94:

As I write this, there are ICE raids happening in Los Angeles creating panic and terror in families, too many of whom have no criminal background and who simply entered our golden door because, like my immigrant family, they sought liberty and prosperity.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit unanimously denied the government’s request to lift a nationwide injection on what amounts to a Muslim ban. Not only are we traumatizing American Muslims, but we’re also reinforcing the enemies’ narrative in the hearts and minds of Muslims around the world.

As all of this happens, we seem to ignore once again that police are killing unarmed black and brown men and woman at grossly disproportionate rates. White privilege and racism continues to strike and strike hard.

What DNA memory are we imprinting when we emotionally bomb these communities? What result do we expect?

Berlin Community

Page 96:

Therefore, it is my hope that we can use this theory of DNA memory to fight for a unifying understanding of different religions as we support different multiracial cultures and lifestyles.

The foundational question is: how can we imprint peace instead of instigating terrorism?

Page 101:

My wish is they resist nationalistic thinking and come to heal themselves of the infection of war, all the while recognizing each new settlement is a move toward one state, fully integrated with the Palestinians—not fostering more segregation.

Page 102:

So, I leave you with this. Mahatma Gandhi said something that turned into a bumper sticker, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I argue that is not all he said and not enough in this pivotal moment.

We must understand why people do what they do before we can make a change in the world. It’s not enough to model or ask for change because modern society currently lives in an echo chamber and within our ideological social media bubbles.

The rules of engagement have changed. We must accept the new tensions, push forward, and take action in new ways. We must accept that the needs of the most vulnerable communities require more than a peace agreement.

This effort is about our culture, the zoe in which we live, and our bios, the matter we want to share with our kids.

The responsibility is on us because it’s our decision to make. Will we let terrorism dominate our DNA memory and define our quality of life now and in the future? Or will we come to realize that true peace requires an equitable chance at life for all of us?

I vote for the latter.


Zoe Bios is available on Amazon in print and on Kindle. Get it today!


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